Grover Neville

Treehaus Audiolab

Treehaus AudioLab: The Meaning of Weightlessness

Treehaus AudioLab is a high-end audio company that specializes in handcrafted audio equipment, particularly loudspeakers. Their speakers are known for their use of field-coil drivers, which are a type of driver that is known for its exceptional sound quality but is also very rare and expensive. They also produce amplifiers and preamplifiers. Words and Photography

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Acora Acoustics

Acora Acoustics at Common Wave Hi-Fi in Los Angeles | EVENT

“Jazz is Dead” a sign proclaims next to a picasso-esque portrait of Miles Davis deep into his horn. Duality is everywhere in Common Wave Hi-Fi, the Kissa-esque audio loft in Downtown Los Angeles run by Wes Katzir; rare Japanese jazz records line the walls, sharing space with vintage handheld game consoles, Parliament Funkadelic posters, Asian sculpture

Acora Acoustics at Common Wave Hi-Fi in Los Angeles | EVENT READ MORE

Avantgarde, Phasemation, Esoteric, dCS, American Sound of Canada | AXPONA 2023

Angie Lisi of American Sound of Canada, who has recently taken on Rethm, and had some hiding in a second system in her large top-floor suite at Axpona 2023 was also rocking a number of other cool brands. Among them, Phasemation, Esoteric’s Magne-drive magnetic drive turntable, a full dCS Vivaldi Apex stack, and a pair

Avantgarde, Phasemation, Esoteric, dCS, American Sound of Canada | AXPONA 2023 READ MORE

Treehaus Audiolab, Innuos, Iconoclast Cable | AXPONA 2023

Treehaus Audiolab continues my theme of show rooms doing hifi different. Rich Pinto, who is fast becoming a familiar face to the INDULGR crew, were showing his irrepressibly organic approach to audio, which included the Treehaus National Treasure Field Coil Loudspeakers, an open-baffle full-range field coil speaker design which use a Fostex T90A super tweeter

Treehaus Audiolab, Innuos, Iconoclast Cable | AXPONA 2023 READ MORE

Diptyque, Audia Flight, Michell Audio, NEO, Fidelity Imports | AXPONA 2023

Fidelity Imports was showing, by my count, six separate rooms at Axpona 2023 – and all of the ones I went into had very cool gear in them. The standout for me was the Diptyque Audio and Audia Flight room, which displayed a trait you really never expect from a panel speaker: bass. Reporting by

Diptyque, Audia Flight, Michell Audio, NEO, Fidelity Imports | AXPONA 2023 READ MORE

Rethm, Phasemation, Audio Research, HRS | AXPONA ’23

Rethm Audio’s Jacob George, one of my favorite people in the audio industry, was present at Axpona 2023 making a rather special showing. Having celebrated a newly inked distribution deal with Angie Lisi of American Sound of Canada, Jacob had every model in his current lineup present and was swapping speakers throughout the show. My

Rethm, Phasemation, Audio Research, HRS | AXPONA ’23 READ MORE

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