Angie Lisi of American Sound of Canada, who has recently taken on Rethm, and had some hiding in a second system in her large top-floor suite at Axpona 2023 was also rocking a number of other cool brands. Among them, Phasemation, Esoteric’s Magne-drive magnetic drive turntable, a full dCS Vivaldi Apex stack, and a pair of Avantgarde Duo GTs in full active configuration.
Reporting by Grover Neville
While I had a hard time finding a spot to listen on not two but three different occasions because the room was so packed, the few auditory glimpses of unfamiliar material seemed promising. Avantgarde and Angie usually put on an excellent show, and I’ve always heard good sound from this large suite room and these german horn loudspeakers – in this case, I’ll let the packed room speak for itself. Folks enjoyed what they were hearing!