Avantgarde, Phasemation, Esoteric, dCS, American Sound of Canada | AXPONA 2023

Angie Lisi of American Sound of Canada, who has recently taken on Rethm, and had some hiding in a second system in her large top-floor suite at Axpona 2023 was also rocking a number of other cool brands. Among them, Phasemation, Esoteric’s Magne-drive magnetic drive turntable, a full dCS Vivaldi Apex stack, and a pair […]

Avantgarde, Phasemation, Esoteric, dCS, American Sound of Canada | AXPONA 2023 READ MORE

Moon Audio, Meze Audio, dCS | FLAX 2023

Moon Audio (link) is a North Carolina-based, primarily online dealer of all things high-end headphones. Drew Baird, Moon audio’s founder and president brought the largest collection of high-end headphones and headphone electronics to the show. They inventory just about everything, and move an enormous amount of product, which is how I assume they got their

Moon Audio, Meze Audio, dCS | FLAX 2023 READ MORE

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