Eric Franklin Shook


Vimberg, Métronome, Karan Acoustics, Wynn Audio | FLAX 2024

I would like to think that I am smart enough, seasoned enough, and wise enough of an audiophile to have thought of assembling a system of these exact pairings before, but alas, I have not. Vimberg Mino tower speakers, Métronome for all-in-one digital sourcing, Karan Acoustics for pre and post amplification — all paragons of

Vimberg, Métronome, Karan Acoustics, Wynn Audio | FLAX 2024 READ MORE

Acora Acoustics, VAC, VPI, LampizatOr, Cardas | FLAX 2024

Acora Acoustics debuted a new Sunset Fire granite for their acclaimed VRC flagship speaker, VAC electronics powered the whole affair to show stopping heights, VPI Industries turntables provided deep insight of the grooves, while LampizatOr handled all of the digital bits and made them sing, it was Cardas Audio that tied everything together with a

Acora Acoustics, VAC, VPI, LampizatOr, Cardas | FLAX 2024 READ MORE

Green Street Smoked Meats | REVIEW

Driving around downtown Chicago’s West Loop, you’ll find no shortage of restaurants, bars, and cafe storefronts to captivate the passing eye. Almost hidden among them Green Street Smoked Meats stands apart as a pinch of home for this partially-Texas-raised boy from North Carolina. From the street, an unremarkable marked-up, mostly black painted, factory-like building with

Green Street Smoked Meats | REVIEW READ MORE

María Dueñas

María Dueñas Homage 1770 | REVIEW

Fresh off the heels of her turning the classical world on its head with a bold interpretation of the ‘Beethoven violin concerto’ style in ‘Beethoven & Beyond’, Spanish violinist and composer María Dueñas reaches further into her bag of tricks to unleash on the classical world something foundational and breathtakingly original with her latest work,

María Dueñas Homage 1770 | REVIEW READ MORE

Common Yellowthroat

The Common Yellowthroat and Sartorial Taste | SPOTLIGHT

We’re no strangers to sartorial opinions or the Common Yellowthroat at INDULGR magazine. So, the next time you’re at an event that’s being covered by our editorial team, just look for our own in-house accumulator of haute couture Grover Neville. Grover will likely be peacocking about, wearing a myriad of bespoke and vintage pieces amassed

The Common Yellowthroat and Sartorial Taste | SPOTLIGHT READ MORE

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