Monarch Systems was running perhaps the most characterful room of Axpona 2023, decorated like a Tiki bar, with statues, grass table skirts, island-themed room treatment banners, and the crew from Monarch decked out in shorts, Hawaiian shirts and colorful Leis. When anyone talks about putting some fun in audio — this is how to do it.

Reporting by Grover Neville

Speaking of fun, I witnessed a showgoer request some Diana Krall or other over-trodden audiophile earworm, and was delighted to see one of the folks from Monarch Systems return with an impish grin and a Duran Duran record. Nothing of Miles Davis, Norah Jones, or Dave Brubeck was heard in this room during my visit.


Irreverence aside, there was no shortage of exceptional sound coming out of this system, which included Chario Aviator Amelias and Alluxity amplifiers. Low end was tremendous, tightly controlled and mids sweet, rich and clear. Alongside the GTT Audio / Vivid Audio room this ranked as one of my top rooms for musical engagement. Don’t let appearances fool you, the folks at Monarch Systems know how to have fun, and engage the ear.

I also had a brief but illuminating conversation with Alexander Vitus Morgensen, the head of Alluxity, as well as the son and heir apparent of the founder of Vitus Audio. I was impressed by his depth of knowledge not only of audio, but also design and art. He noted that while he appreciates the Nordic countries’ reputation for clean design, he also wishes there were more appreciation for whimsy and color — less grey squares and more, well… more Alluxity.

While the term lifestyle can sometimes be used to deride product which prioritizes looks over sound — a false dichotomy if I’ve ever heard one — we agreed that there is a Goldilocks middle ground where great sounding gear also looks and works seamlessly. As I mentioned, the combination Alluxity and Chario was making excellent sound period, and I’m looking forward to hearing more — stay tuned for a deeper dive with Alexander and Alluxity in the future.


Chario Aviator Amelia ($8,400 USD)


Alluxity Pre Two ($12,500 USD)
Alluxity Power Two ($9,600 USD)
Alluxity Int One ($9,800 USD) on static display


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