Rocky Patel‘s Conviction is a small-batch cigar marvel. This cigar is meticulously crafted by the factory’s top four master rollers, who operate in dedicated pairs. Each duo is responsible for rolling 250 cigars, merging their expertise to produce a total of 500 of these fine Conviction Cigars daily. Utilizing aged tobaccos from 2014 and wrapped in the finest San Andrés leaf, the Rocky Patel Conviction delivers a rich tapestry of flavors, including rich caramel, honey, and espresso. With production capped at only 5,000 boxes, this medium-plus blend exemplifies Rocky Patel’s commitment to rarity and excellence. It offers aficionados a smoking experience that is both unique and exquisite.



Reporting by Zion-Grace Rosareal

Rocky Patel Conviction Cigar
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